Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The rings around the neck Country

Surely you've seen those rings, they're called Randall and are used mainly in Jordan and Palestine. It is because of Palestinian leader Arafat that handkerchief and got his name in the Russian version of the late eighties. Lord koletsV 2008, I watched the movie trilogy of 2 months in a row every morning \ lunch put on DVD and watched until the evening. The scarf is probably one of the most versatile accessories in a huge variety. It is equally relevant for both men and women. Placed on the website materials, including articles may contain information for users over 18 years, according to the Federal Law №436-FZ dated 29.12.2010, "On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development." Shawl pounces on one shoulder, laid out with beautiful folds, which are fixed with a brooch or original clips. Knotted scarf on the opposite side at the waist.

annual rings - Girls only!

Not everyone knows how to tie a scarf around his neck, but it can be used to transform your style, making it feminine and relaxed. To vary the images, you can buy several scarves in different sizes, colors, from different tissues, then you'll get an amazing palette of styles that brings you closer to a refined lady or fashion rebel, which is able to emphasize their individuality. My husband and I first wore the ring, the first year of the tank. Then my husband went to work in construction, and I got a job as artistic producer of leather goods, the ring began to interfere, and it was a pity to overwrite. The node can be positioned on the shoulder or in front. It turns out a kind of silk net.

How to wear a wedding ring

As the name implies, this option of tying a scarf is very similar to how early these kerchiefs tied the Cowboys in his neck. This form, in the form of a wide bag inflated with a small but neat knot in the middle will look great on a tight-fitting cloak. Chains of gold are as a separate piece of jewelry or in conjunction with pendants, crosses, icons. Men's gold chains are traditionally more massive than the female.

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