Saturday, September 26, 2015

Singer Biser Kirov

Estrada singer of the legendary blizkoto Mina Biser Kirov, Coit predicate nyakolko days praznuva godishen 70th anniversary ostanal Potressov of interest in the pensioner's publication nyakolko km negovata person. In navecherieto at birth mu mu se den Obad for intervyuta 3 senile messenger. Sofia. Since childhood, he played the viola and guitar. However, after graduating from high school with a gold medal, I did not immediately found himself in the music world. Iztochna Germany with 4 songs, koeto not e Malko. Recorded e over 800 songs on nemsky, Rooskey, Spanish, negovi's fields of copyright ca 300 and Ploce sa mu of 8 Stepanavan. Sofia. Sledva VHTI, spetsialnost "semiconductor material" and zavrshva RATA (Ruskata Academy of teatralno izkustvo) for spetsialnostta "muzikalna rezhisura." Two Godin sledva journalism in SU. Biser Kirov - Ventsinosa background Koydel 42 Godin. Tova napisa samiyat legendary singer to a journalist from izdanieto.

Biser Kirov -

Vdhnovenieto e is one flight to stifle, not Mauger yes of predizvikash. Do not e con Coit yes shibnesh with kamshika and that yes hukne. Biser Kirov said first Festival of Youth Song in Sochi 1967, where he was awarded the third prize. A year later, he won the gold medal of the VIII World Youth Festival in Sofia, he was awarded the title of "Singer of the Year." Biser Kirov is very disappointed that a Bulgarian TV screens are now pours a stream of Russophobia. He believes that it is demonstrative and paid propaganda, however, and the theater policy Bulgarians survive.

Dscheryata to mend Biser Kirov -

For your e Georgi Minchev for changed my e suchenik Gosho Kurt razkri legendary singer Biser Kirov on BNT1. Dvamata singers stanali blowing Kato svoynitsi. Kde sa detsata blgarski on famous singers? Koi e darbata left footprints on the parents, Coy e eaten on its pat far away from stsenata.

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