Saturday, September 26, 2015

Single-pulse generator for logic elements

Shaper SINGLE IMPULSOVIzobretenie refers to automation and can be used in computer engineering. Known single-pulse generator adapted to integrated logic elements, issuing a single pulse automatically when the power supply circuit 1). The disadvantage of this device is the low reliability, ie. A. A single pulse is generated only during the growth of the supply voltage of the circuit. Fig. 2 is a diagram of a simple pulse generator to the electromagnetic relay. When the power supply capacitor C1 is charged through the resistor R1 and the relay disconnect the power supply the contact to 1.1. But the relay drops out immediately, because for some time through its coil current flows due to the energy accumulated by the capacitor C1. Generator produces pulses 20 not to tenths of a millisecond. The pulse width can be calculated by the formula tp "0.1 ,, where tp is not C ,, pF. Short pulse generates pulses whose duration is considerably shorter than the initial pulses. For the construction of a driver circuit will require one element of the conjunction, an inverter and a delay line. 1b, if the input is a rectangular pulse. In appearance CA coincides with interstage separation circuit, but differs from it at a time constant that provides a derivation of the input signal.

Shaper single pulses

Sawtooth generator napryazheniyaForma output voltage is practically linear, and the charging current of the capacitor changes neznachitelno.Zadaniya for independent work. Short pulse to the formation of short pulses are used in games two Meto­yes: differentiation of the input pulses and pulse shaping with at­power logic circuits. Fig. Schemes short pulse on the rising edge and the falling edge of the clock signal and the timing charts shown in ris.175, 176, respectively.

Personal site - a driver circuit of single pulses

Generator generates pulses of a certain shape and duration, operates in a braked mode, and starts the oscillator pulses. In some instruments, it can be driven directly to an external source of pulses. The processes of formation and measuring time intervals associated with the formation of discrete time functions that represent the pulses of a predetermined duration, the pulses are shifted in time by a predetermined value, and others. For the formation of discrete time functions, the following device. Simulation results: The waveform voltage is shown in Figure 1.2. Shaper duration of the pack.

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