Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Generator of short pulses for the transistors

The invention relates to the means of control, measuring and test equipment designed for the production of semiconductor devices. It can be used for testing high-power semiconductor devices, including microwave - transistor assemblies. Widespread microcontrollers allows you to create on their basis of frequency meters. However, generally such designs have significant drawback, as they are designed to process signals from logic levels. The action at the entrance to a short positive pulse v1 slightly open. This scheme is a simple asymmetric multivibrator that is a power amplifier that provides the necessary current through the load for a given output voltage. Fig. 21 is a diagram of relatively long pulse shaper (monostable) and its timing diagram. One-shot is made on two elements - NOT. With the inclusion of the power to the terminal 3 of the timer is set DD1 high level voltage, and output timer 3 DD2 - low. The capacitor C1 is charged through the resistors R1 and R2.

Square-wave generator

The brochure contains detailed descriptions of the schemes, the principle of action, structures and methods of establishing electronic pulse counters transistors and instruments glow. High efficiency and small size allow you to feed the meters of chemical power sources and use them in portable designs. Who ham available both domestic and imported chips, LEDs, and other details. Often, even the domestic purchase more difficult. The study of the characteristics of the CMOS logic elements "based on key KMOPRassmotrim skhemu1) Get HRP and define them the values ​​of the input voltage at which the transistor T1, T2 and protective diody.Opredelim opening voltage (switching) transistors: then (according to the schedule in 2,497) define opening voltage protection diodes: t. To.

Generators of rectangular pulses on CMOS chips

The use of field effect transistors in the input stage low-frequency amplifiers designed to operate on high impedance input sources can improve the ratio of the transmission and significantly reduce the noise factor of the amplifiers. The high input impedance FET avoids the need for large coupling capacitors capacity. Electrofences circuit is shown in the figure, provides a voltage up to 10 kV with a different pulse frequency. Since the output impedance of the generator is large, when you touch the animal to the fence, the output voltage is reduced to a safe 10 V. The structure of the pulse generator includes a burglar alarm that is triggered when there is no high-voltage pulses on the fence, wire break or fall struts and wires to the ground. Tricky vypryamitelVypryamitel designed to supply domestic consumers that can run on both AC and DC. This example cookers, fireplaces, water heating devices, lighting and so on. N. The main thing that these devices did not have electric motors, transformers and other elements designed for alternating current.

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