Saturday, December 26, 2015

Coombs test

Antiglobulin test designed to detect antibodies incomplete antierythrocyte was proposed Coombs, Morante, flight in 1945 and was later named Coombs test [10]. The essence of this method is that the antiglobulin serum containing antibodies to human immunoglobulin by reaction with erythrocytes sensitized incomplete antibodies leads to agglutination. Indirektniya method on Coombs se naricha osche indirekten antiglobulin test - IAGT. Through Tosi Behold method trsyat antibodies of class IgG in serum nechy. To verify the specificity of the antibodies used in such cases, tests with their elution. Direct Coombs, positive only to complement generally relates to cold antibody type IgM. Directives test Coombs Mauger yes se right and when novorodeno with Rh-polozhitelna krv, chiyato e Rh-shirt otritsatelna. Izsledvaneto pokazva gave the body to maykata e produced antibodies and gave those sa preminali prez platsentata km Bebeto. It is recommended to use a glucose test that is based on the glucose oxidase enzyme reaction. During the treatment of other cephalosporin antibiotics was marked by a false positive direct Coombs test.

Coombs' test - Wikipedia

Otzhe, neobhіdno viznati scho Positive Coombs test Mauger Buti viklikany dієyu drug. W oberezhnіstyu priznachayut at zahvoryuvannyah SHKT. Coombs test may be due to the action of the drug. With caution is prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. At 6.4% of those recorded positive Coombs test, at 3.8% - thrombocytopenia in 1.3% - eosinophilia, at 0,5-6,4% - leukopenia. Allergic reactions to the drug were reported in 2%, higher temperatures - at 0.4%, disorders of the gastrointestinal (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting) - 1.7% of patients.

Coombs test - Page 2

Coombs test Mauger Buti viklikany dієyu drug. W oberezhnіstyu priznachayut at zahvoryuvannyah SHKT. Coombs and srpovidno-kletchniya test time on eksperimenta. Results of electrophoresis hemoglobinnata pokazaha Che vv The second phase is one percent of the participating Malak Imat deviations razpredelenieto on hemoglobina, but Tezi individual se okazaha accident razpredeleni and grupata for treatment and kontrolnata grupa.

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