Thursday, December 31, 2015

Dreams earrings try

If you received a gift of gold earrings in a dream - you're going to get married out of selfish motives. Think - the marriage will not be happy and, in addition to wealth, will bring you peace of deep frustration and dissatisfaction. To dream earrings - a sign that you expect good news and interesting work. To see them broken - means that the bad rumors and gossip can hurt you if you did not show wisdom and prudence. To dream of a ring with a sapphire - according to the dream book, fatal love. With topaz - finding new friends. If earrings dreams unmarried woman, a dream may mean that soon awaits her married life and the family hearth. The more expensive and will be more beautiful earrings in your dream, so prosperous will your family life and higher material prosperity. Earrings with carnelian in a dream - you will go from poverty, although in some cases decorations in a dream is a sign of poverty. Regarding unusual decorations that are not recognizable, they are a good sign.

Earrings with diamonds and pusety

A dream in which you had a red beads, means that you are someone in charge of or depending on someone. You need to try to be independent and take charge of their lives. In a dream before the mirror trying on beautiful earrings favorable only for women, they are the dream promises speedy fulfillment of love desires. If two identical earrings, the wish will come true in two weeks if the earrings are different, in two months, and if one of the two immediately lost, then after 47 days. Try on a dream blouse or dress - an unexpected rivalry in love. But if a woman dreams that she watches her figure, liked to buy a dress - it gets rid of rivals and achieve love of the elect.

Earrings with diamonds

Not long ago, a period when humanity would thieves continued to wear earrings. But in dream interpretation and Assyria wore silver earrings use the advice sonnik silver earrings se rgi. Indeed, all praise be to Allah, we praise, ask Him for help and forgiveness. And I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, the One, having no partner or associate, and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and messenger s.a.s.Voistinu, truthfulness frequent dreams of a Muslim is one of the small signs of Doomsday, each of us now notice them. Dreams HassePochtennaya lady has their own opinion about what a dream to find the earring. For her, like a dream - a sign that the fate of sleep will only pleasant moments: making a profit, happy events, peace and joy.

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