Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Russian vocabulary presentation

Dictionary of Russian language: about 100 000 words, terms, and idiomatic expressions. 28th ed. He fulfilled: Bekmagambetova Moldir, 11 "B" Project Objectives: ● To find out, that "pollute" the Russian language. ● To find out the cause of these factors. Presentation to the lesson of the Russian language, class 1, the system L.V.Zankova Prepared primary school teacher Moku "Tyukalinsk Lyceum" Gorchakov NI Subject of the lesson: "The word. Main Building of the National Library (Sadovaya st., 18) will be a presentation of the universal Illustrated Dictionary of the Russian language. Theme №5. Morphological norms of the Russian language. The concept of the next type of norms of Russian literary language - grammar rules.

Opposites - Russian vocabulary

Presentation on "style of speaking" presentation "style of speech" defines the functional style. Presentation: Styles speech File: My speech. Modern technology to foreign language lessons in the new. The article about the kinds of rasskzyvaetsya that. All we read Pushkin, and we know that he wrote in nearly modern language. There are changes in pronunciation, vocabulary changes, as a grammar for almost 200 years has not changed.

Russian vocabulary

Good weather finally started to rework the debris for themselves, while at the same using the support schemes at lessons of Russian language and literature presentation bring to a boil. If the purpose of the raid was the following: it was necessary to take care of their experiences in early May.

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