Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Earrings from beads u

Comments: LiveInternet - Gloxinia microns gloxinia beaded beaded workshop. Used French Bead Weaving. When creating them, I used a transparent glass Czech beads and faceted beads. The size of a decorative element - 2.3 x 1.3 cm in length with a hook - 3.8 cm. Long earrings Japanese beads (hand made). 15.12.2012 Omsk region Fashion. Indian jewelry tell about the owner of almost all: she married, to which caste belongs, whether she had children ... And how many ideas for decorating of leather, stones and beads! I sit admire the ornaments of Indian beauties Why we are not so? That would be so weave of beads and reach the light, shocking others, or not? Well, some elements Noticed Indian women adorn the parting in her hair.

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