Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Vesper Necklace treatment

There preventive treatment: it is carried out when a person knows that he has had contact with an infected person, but the symptoms of the disease he has no blood tests and also in order. In this case, no need to wait, if you're lucky or not - you have to go to be treated. Treatment of vitiligo can be quite lengthy and requires patience from the patient. First of all, you must organize the work of the liver and endocrine system. Treatment for syphilis is selected individually, carried out comprehensively, the recovery should be determined by laboratory tests. Modern methods of treatment of syphilis, which owns today venereology, suggest a favorable prognosis of treatment, provided proper and timely treatment, which corresponds to the stage and clinical manifestations of the disease. Despite the successful treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and an active public education in our time, the incidence of syphilis in Russia continues to grow compared to the XX century. They may be ill men and women and a child. Spotted leucoderma ("Venus necklace") as a symptom of secondary syphilis. So called discolored spots on the skin of the back and side of the neck that appear in women in the 4-6 months after the initial infection.

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The treatment of syphilis, which began in the incubation period, can prevent the development of clinical disease and relatively quickly to ensure a full recovery. That is why it is very important to know that the sexual partner is ill with syphilis, seek medical advice immediately. Treatment of vitiligo as such can not be fully or completely to the skin requires a strong interference, such as for example skin graft. The same can be applied cosmetics, but they will help in the interpretation of masking white spots on the skin. For patients "French disease" treatment was free, but after treatment they were sent to Nerchinsk. Also, December 30, 1792 a decree was issued for the medical board, directing staff to prepare and medical supplies for the upcoming opening of these institutions.

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Necklace of Venus "was once so common symptom of syphilis, which got its own name. Today leucoderma may appear less frequently, and another known as pigmetnye syphilides. Treatment of this disease of the skin should be fully supervised by a physician. As a rule, he prescribes a sick antifungal ointment. Rarely now meets the sore throat, but often develops hoarseness and aphonia. Leucoderma.

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