Monday, January 18, 2016

Wedding garter on the leg with his own hands

Any wedding hack requires attention and proper attitude. The fact that we stock photo bridal jewelry manufacturing process makes each master class as accessible and easy to read. Charm groom wedding garter, made with his own hands the bride of satin ribbons. Need: 1.5 meters wide satin ribbon (3-5 cm) in width elastic 1/3 of the width of the tape or decorative pendant brooch fine satin ribbon and thread a needle bulavkaShirokuyu ordinary tape folded in half. A garter removed her husband publicly and rushes into the crowd. A second garter is called "honey" and takes her husband in the private setting. Garter of the bride - a spicy, playful accessory. Garter can be done by hand if there is a minimal sewing skills. Garter of the bride with his own hands will be a wonderful gift to the girlfriend a bachelorette party, and the bride can easily make a small souvenir. Of course, you can buy this little thing in the store, but much more interesting to make itself.

Wedding garter with his own hands: a master class

At the ends of the rubber bands attach safety pins. 8. With the pin is pulled through our gum tape. I tie a ribbon on the garter stockings on in the area just above the knee. Some especially resourceful ladies sewed the edges of the fastener tapes improvised, so garter securely hold and did not fall down while walking. What is the wedding the bride's garter, and everything connected with it? And in general, why the bride is she ?!

Wedding garter with his own hands - YouTube

Earlier at weddings there was some injustice. The bride throws her wedding bouquet to unmarried girlfriends, thus giving hope for a speedy marriage of the girl caught the bouquet. In the old days used to fasten the garter stockings or bottom of his trousers, she was a daily part of every woman's wardrobe. There are many wedding traditions associated with this decoration.

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