Friday, January 15, 2016

Necklace Venus in syphilis photo

In the presence of leukoderma patients usually observed, pathological changes in the spinal fluid. Secondary syphilis is also accompanied by a lesion of many organs and systems. When pressed with your finger, it pales dramatically or disappears after a few seconds and reappears. Roseola located anywhere on the skin. Eruptions in syphilis are sometimes the only manifestation of this infectious disease. They forced patients to suspect that something was wrong and seek medical advice. They also found skeletons of Augustinian monks living in the monastery of the northeastern English port of Kingston upon Hull. Their radiocarbon analysis revealed bone damage, which, according to supporters of this hypothesis, characteristic of syphilis. The rash of syphilis appears on the stage of second period, when we can speak of a spirochetal sepsis. Skin manifestations appear in the background of systemic destruction of the patient.

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Venus "). In addition it should be remembered that syphilis - a disease system. In the later stages, it can also affect internal organs and nervous system, and cardiovascular system. Each pale treponema during the multiplication is divided into several parts. Treponema pallidum breeding period is 33 hours (which plays an important role in the treatment of syphilis). Alopecia patient with syphilis can be diffuse (that is distributed on a fairly large plot, most often on the scalp) or melkoochagovogo. On the small focal alopecia say, in the case of a patient of many small centers of baldness irregular rounded shapes, randomly scattered on the head, especially in the temples and neck.

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In secondary syphilis already appear other types of rash: papules (elevation) Faded, pustules (purulent rashes) bluish or brownish tint, leucoderma. And, often on the body of the sick person there are several types of scars, elements of which are carriers of infection. Acne in syphilis may also occur - it is a sign pustular syphilides (pustules), whose appearance suggests severe rapidly progressing syphilis. The disease develops in weakened patients and is accompanied by fever, headache, malaise. With the localization on the tonsils and soft palate process takes the form of pustular and ulcerative angina. Patients with malignant syphilis suffer fever, chills, weight loss, but no lymphadenopathy. Mental underdevelopment if this can be expressed by? Different, often to the extent of retardation. Perhaps a combination of dementia with epileptiform syndrome.

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It has a kind of necklace, covering the neck and propagating in the form of rays. This syphilitic rash is soft and does not manifest itself. Rarely now meets the sore throat, but often develops hoarseness and aphonia. Leucoderma. Secondary syphilis is often manifested by one or more waves that follow each other at intervals of several months. For the first wave (fresh secondary syphilis) is characterized by abundant bright pink blotchy rash with indistinct boundaries, which is relatively fast disappearing. If you see white spots, then you have struck internal organs. This whitened space may itch and itch. The secondary period of syphilis is caused by the spread of infection with cytomegalovirus krovyu.Vrozhdennaya infektsiyaOpredelenie Congenital cytomegalovirus infection is a

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