Saturday, January 2, 2016

Lip balms at home

You want to make 100% natural lip balm svomi hands for a few minutes ?! Well Lip Balm - one of the main components of cosmetic bags every woman. Balm keep the lips from drying out, from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, wind, dry and cold air. How to make lip balm at home? Make is not difficult, and we are together to learn it. Now on the shelves of shops you can find lot of lip balms that will not only protect your lips from the cold in the winter, in the summer sun, but also provide nutrition, hydration and help prevent herpes. In this article, we want to offer our women learn how to prepare a balm for your lips with your hands. Hair balm can make yourself at home, often are balms applied to wet hair, and even does not require rinsing. It is very convenient, because, having spent time on their preparation, then you can spend several times less time on hair care.

Lip balms with their hands

Well to add vitamins masks and balms volos.Vitamin C increase resistance to adverse environmental effects. Lip care is impossible to imagine without the use of chapstick. It consists of natural caring ingredients that are also able to moisturize and nourish the skin of the lips at any time of the year: whether it is hot summer or cold winter. Lip balm mostly steamed, microwaved, or directly on the gas, using a small container of metal. Pack ready balm can be a tube or a jar of already used the product or in a special container made of plastic.

Masks, scrubs and lip balms.

Lip Balm - a hygienic means, which is used by many. It is very important to monitor the condition of their lips. Lip balms rukamiS their basic lip care will be an excellent lip balm, which can be done by hand at home usloviyah.Osnovnye components contained in household lip balms and their action: Beeswax - has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and it is very important It protects against fungal, bacterial and viral infections. Balm with chamomile: Make a decoction of camomile (2 tbsp chamomile flowers per cup of boiling water).

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