Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The brake on a bicycle

Brakes. Road bike, as mentioned above, is equipped with a very reliable brake located in the hub of the rear wheel. This brake is enclosed in a steel cone sleeve, well protected from damage, and rarely fails. Hmm, I recalled a student who pinch pipe brakes on five Kapaa. And with the heat then he told how he escaped the accident with the Cayenne. On the bike is not hydraulic brakes, there's just mehanika.Disk bolted to the hub and rotates with the wheel as a whole. Every cyclist must know how to shift gears on the bike and how to configure them. Just stick on the bike brakes require constant attention and care, as well as by car. Brake is not only the brake pads, and is a rope and harness to the cable jacket to the brakes and levers on the handlebars of the bicycle.

Why squeaking brakes ????

Hello! With you again from Sonia "Sonia Club." Today I'll tell you how I drove his first meters on the bike. When you push the brake lever brake with a glass of brake shoe falls and, clinging to the tire shoe, creates a braking torque. Upon termination of pressure on the brake lever spring, which is in a glass brake, the brake returns to its original position. I dreamed that I ride on my own bike in another city (in the city I come every summer) and the food at first on a flat road, then slides down a hill, and again enters the mound, then vozvraschayuss out with from riding. In the dream, I go for a good, paved Drogo.

The brakes squeak :: X-Bikers.ru

So, I bought a bicycle. You have successfully ride on it in the yard, the nearest park. But after a while there are other needs. The story begins in 1825 bicycle, the year when the German engineer Karl Drais invented and made the device on two wheels, which he called the trolley to run. The device had a horizontal frame, to which were attached two wheels.

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