Friday, October 2, 2015

Newton's rings presentation

The interference of light waves, Lesson Focus: The principle of superposition of waves Interference point. November 27, 2011. Sites Minecraft Server Russian. The rings are painted in blue, yellow, black, green and red, and intertwined with each other. The five rings represent the five parts of the world: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania. The rings are painted in blue, yellow, black, green and red, and intertwined with each other. Olympic rings were designed by Pierre de Coubertin in 1912. He was born in Woolsthorpe. He graduated from the University of Cambridge (1665). The works belong to mechanics, optics, astronomy, mathematics. Calculation of the wavelength from the experience of Jung and Newton's rings. The interference of light as a result of the superposition of two coherent light waves.

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The interference of light as a result of the superposition of two coherent light waves. A detailed calculation of the necessary quantities. Concepts of modern science Presentation Topic: Solar System Rodkina LR Associate Professor of Electronics IIBS VSUES, 2009. Contents What is studying astronomy? The composition of the solar system Hypotheses origin of the solar system planets sun Modern theories of the solar system Aims and Objectives To study the structure of the solar system formation Show heliocentric world view Consider the laws of Kepler and Newton's learn how to calculate distances to celestial bodies and the size of celestial bodies What is astronomy? Astronomy studies the structure of the universe, the movement, the physical nature, origin and evolution of celestial bodies and systems formed by them. A detailed study of Newton's work has led to a final conclusion. Newton was outstanding Alchemist, an expert on religion and the natural sciences, but it was not a physicist.

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The wave properties of light, "3) assignments teme.Hod lesson: I.Organizatsionny point: training class for the lesson. Lesson Focus: The principle of superposition of waves Interference Point Download: Presentation in Physics for grade 11 interference and diffraction of light. Download presentation: Interference.

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