Thursday, October 22, 2015

Necklace by Guy de Maupassant

Guy de Maupassant (the most vivid, in my opinion, were Pletelschitsa chairs, Pierrot and Ukrashnie). Although I chiatala them in the original, and because of the difficulties of translation from the French, perhaps, spend a few more times, but all the same, from this, they have not become less beautiful. Maupassant Moonlight (Collection) series: a collection of Guy de Mopassanastranitsa1 / 60Data publikatsii10.06.2013Razmer6. Guy de Maupassant. First published in 1884 in the French newspaper Le Gaulois. A textbook example of an unexpected ending, which has become a kind of standard for the subsequent stories of this type. Genre: Classical prose, Language: fr Abstract: Ce livre des? Uvres completes de Guy de Maupassant est exhaustif. Born Henri Rene Albert Guy de Maupassant in 1850 in northern France, in Normandy - a country of picturesque meadows and fields.

Secondary syphilis -

Guy de Maupassant reserved nature not the most important role (as, for example, the famous Russian writers Prishvin and K. Paustovsky). Maupassant (1850-1893) was remarkably prolific writer. During the ten years of his creative life, he wrote six novels and more than three hundred short stories.

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