Thursday, October 1, 2015

Explanation of the phenomenon of Newton's rings

Newton's Rings are used to measure the radii of curvature of surfaces, to measure the wavelength of light and the refractive index. In some cases (for example, when scanning images on the tapes or optical printing negative) Newton rings are undesirable. Newton's Rings - the phenomenon of interference. Light reflected from the inner and outer surface of the lens, and in places where the waves form a coherent light circles. The classic explanation yavleniyaUdovletvoritelno explain why the rings appear, Newton could not. I managed to Jung. Take a plane-convex lens with a small spherical curvature­energy surface and place it on a glass plate, as mentioned above. Carefully looking at the flat surface of the lens (preferably with a magnifying glass), you will find in the place of contact between the lens and the wafer, and a dark spot around a set of small rainbow rings. Newton's rings are a special case of strips of equal thickness. They are formed in a thin layer of air between the two surfaces of the glass parts, one of which usually serves as the reference.

Newton's Rings - Wikipedia

In order to use interference phenomena, such as Newton's rings to measure the wavelength, it is necessary to elaborate on the conditions of formation of maxima and minima sveta.Pri incidence of light on the film or thin plate portion of the light passes through it and part is reflected. Explanation interferentsiiPosle discovery of the phenomenon of interference of light it almost immediately began to study. Isaac Newton took an important step in the study of the interference of light in thin films. Newton's Rings annular strips of equal thickness, seen in the air gap between the contacting surface of the convex spherical lens and the lesser curvature of the flat surface of glass, called Newton rings. Newton explained this phenomenon on the basis of the corpuscular theory of light.

Ответы@Mail.Ru: What is Newton's rings? How are they formed?

Explaining the phenomenon of electrification based on the teachings of the structure atoma.2. Challenge to the law of reflection of light. Rings Nyutona.Do So far, we only deal with geometrical optics task - the task of refraction and reflection, the ray trajectories in the elliptic and the laser cavity, etc. We now say a few words about the wave optics, namely, about inreferentsii light.

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