Friday, October 2, 2015


Originating about two thousand years ago in China, the art of bonsai is firmly rooted in Japan, becoming one of its national symbols. In this unusual characteristic works successfully connected to the Japanese love of nature and art. Dreams Flower pot can also indicate the execution cherished desire, for example, the dreamer had long dreamed of a family, so soon meet a soul mate. Most likely, the meeting will take place in a romantic setting - on the beach, in the mountains, in the forest. Here you will find an amazing artificial bonsai plants, which in Japanese means "plant in a bowl." The hobby of bonsai has a long history that dates back to ancient China, and now, today, this art fascinated many. Most shrubs, small trees and conifers can be planted in a pot. Of course, grown in a pot, they will not be as high in the open ground, but with proper care you can get a long flowering ornamental pears, colorful Japanese maple leaves and strict outlines of conifers. It is a pity to see the felled trees, which is quite sad to look at the Christmas markets in anticipation of the host and then a much sadder look after the holidays - thrown together with musorom.Alternativa live Christmas tree - an artificial, tempted by no means all.

Exhibition and sale of Japanese bonsai

Mandarin - is a perennial evergreen plant. With proper care indoor mandarin tree grows up to 1 meter in height, flowers, fruits, and even - on a small tree can grow up to 50-70 mandarins. Agree that the Christmas mood will not be complete without a Christmas tree, with which the house comes the magic forest, the room is filled with a unique flavor and incomparable comfort. But what if you try to leave a bit of this mood with him for a whole year? And subsequent years? Christmas tree in a pot, a gift for the New Year, not destined to please a month in a landfill, it will develop and grow, pleasing their owners and giving them a year-round Christmas tale. Stones can choose any, but if you choose the porous stone which absorbs moisture, the plants can be planted directly on him. Limestone, coquina, tuff absorb water from the soil and lift up the capillaries.

Bonsai. Care - Potted flowers and plants

When I was presented with a small tree in a flower pot, immediately asked: "Who is it?" The reply was, "Cypress, but it is still very small." One day, looking at the window of some apartments, you're surprised to see something resembling a mandarin, but only on a plant in a pot. "Can mandarin real?" - You think.

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