Thursday, August 20, 2015

Abutment at implantation

Dental implants - reviews patsientovPoterya tooth is a serious stress for everyone! In cases where a tooth has not been disinfected in time, when he was seriously destroyed and is not recoverable is necessary to resort to the method of implantation. One of the most promising methods of dental implant is a single-step method. If a tooth is damaged due to injury and there is no possibility prosthesis according to standard techniques, resorting to this type of operation. Before beginning the implantation is necessary to examine in detail the maxillofacial unit of the patient and to identify all of its anatomical features. One of the highlights in this case is to assess the amount of bone tissue. Implantology - is an integral part of modern dentistry. The rapid development she received at the end of the last century, both in Switzerland and Sweden. Transgingival implantation - a non-invasive procedure, which resulted in the implant is formed in the jaw bone by a puncture in the gum. After surgery, there is no need stitches and sew up the wound.

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