Sunday, August 30, 2015

Squid rings in batter

Now fry the calamari in a pan on both sides. They are prepared very quickly, so you need to determine the readiness of the squid batter ready. Squid Wash, remove the inner frame, remove the thin outer film. Cut the rings of a width of 1 cm. Recipe calamari - excellent beer snack. Tender and delicious squid, experience has shown that fly to cheer. Squid rings in batter will be an ideal snack to beer or a great addition to white wine. Prepare calamari prescription this may even completely ignorant man in cooking and at the same time pass for an excellent cook. Seafood is always considered useful food. They are rich in protein and trace elements, and the dishes are usually dietary.

Diamond Rings "Tiffany"

Fried squid rings - it's quick and easy snack to beer, which is perfect for a large group of friends. Cooking can be as a fryer and a frying pan, a large amount of sunflower oil. Squid rings in batter, fried in deep fat. Served with tartar sauce and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. This beer snack as squid rings in batter recipe is written below do not leave anyone indifferent. About that, how to cook fried squid rings, we have written below.

Engagement rings Tiffany (Tiffany)

Fried squid rings - original and tasty hot snacks. It cooks quickly and is suitable for both festive table and a beer. Squid rings in batter - very tasty snacks that are preparing simple and incredibly fast. Read how to cook this recipe. Squid rings in batter recipe with photos. Calamari cut into rings and wet cloth. Dip the squid rings in batter and spread to a warm oil in multivarku. Rings are not close to each other, otherwise your just slipnetsya batter.

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