Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Harmful if nail polish during pregnancy

Antifungal nail varnish can be used in those cases where impressed fungi not more than 2/3 of the entire area of ​​the nail plate. If the lesion is more than 2/3 of the surface, the nail must be completely removed and the surface of the finger to process, for example, an antifungal cream. Waiting for the baby, of course, is the time when every woman should be paid to their health as much time and effort. And loyal assistants in this are the various bee products. During pregnancy, there is a change in hormonal levels. This leads to an increase in sensitivity, a woman becomes much more emotional, experiencing pregnancy more vivid orgasm. Loceryl stops the process of synthesis of new fungal cells. Amorolfine, part of the drug, reduces the rate of chemical reactions of two different enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of ergosterol - delta14 reductase and delta7 delta8-isomerase. All of us in childhood use nail varnish. Luck is beautiful, the colors are varied, easy to apply and remove.

Choose a safe nail polish

When a woman becomes pregnant, she has a handsome, tummy, and she wants to look as good as possible. But some are willing to make themselves beautiful extraneous methods such as the use of Botox injections. Prompt, whether it is possible to use a coating of gel polish, and all adjacent pregnancy, as though for a while you can forget about nogotochki. Now I bought a home for all gel coat of varnish, but just now been reading in a stupor, give life to the high demands of modern woman as Coco Chanel said: "you have to be a butterfly caterpillar day and night." All the most important information in order to achieve success in all spheres of life gathered for you, ladies, on one site.

Is it safe during pregnancy

Shellac polish to cover was created relatively recently, and in the market for manicure know him just a few years. Initially, a gel varnish was presented a total of 12 tones. We all use nail polish on a daily basis. But how many of us wonder: what is nail polish, a nail varnish composition, whether harmful nail polish for a man, and what is the history of nail polish? I have long studied the subject composition of varnishes and now tell you all the details. Very often pregnant women are kind to your hair. In this beautiful period of their lives, they do not cut and dyed her hair, tying it with the impact on the child's development. In fact, the magnetic paint is harmful exactly so much and most usual. Magnetic paint is now receiving more and more popular among women.

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