Thursday, February 25, 2016

Necklace Venus Wikipedia

How did the legend of flowers, plants and herbs? Why do some plants are attributed supernatural properties? Flowers are bred since ancient times, and they played an important role in the lives of all peoples. The relationship of a woman with her own body - a piece of mystery, almost sacred. Most of us love it as a whole, hate Specifically, for example, in a particularly noticeable as the priest (too much), breasts (too small), legs (too short). Why depict the poverty, but poverty, but the imperfection of our lives, digging people out of the wilderness, from remote corners of the state? What to do if you are already a writer of such properties and ill own imperfection, and already he can not represent anything else, as the only poverty, but poverty, but the imperfection of our lives, digging people out of the wilderness, from remote corners of the state.

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