Saturday, November 28, 2015

Saturn's rings picture from space

Rings of Saturn in all its glory open the camera "Cassini" 7 February 2008. The result is a complex mosaic, tangled set of arcs, which lost a huge Cassini gap that separates the main rings A and B. But the narrow, sharp-edged slit Enke left is fine. Saturn and another moon - Mimas at the bottom of the photo. About him we'll talk a little more detail below. Saturn formed as a result of the destruction of moons descended too low orbit, the planet's tidal forces. Composed as a ring of small pebbles and boulders from the size of a house. Saturn. In fact, two satellites are far away from each other. The picture was taken at a distance of approximately 1.2 million kilometers from Rhea and 1.6 million kilometers from Epimetheus. What they are and what secrets this planet zondy.No research uncovered surprising not only him, but all of its 63 satellites.

The planet Saturn. Saturn's rings.

Saturn relates to a planetary type gas: it consists mainly of gas and has a hard surface. The mass of the planet 95 times the mass of the Earth, however, the average density of Saturn is only 0.69 g / cc, making it the only planet of the solar system, whose average density less than the density of water. Saturn, studying the giant planet and its moons remarkable. Intriguing Enceladus, a mysterious Ray, Titan interesting - a lot of research topics, and time is short. Saturn, along with Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, is classified as a gas giant. Saturn is named after the Roman god of agriculture.

New images of Saturn's rings (4 photos)

While they are similar to the rings of Saturn, the rings around the planet Uranus, usually darker and less extensive than those around Saturn. Their existence was confirmed only in 1977 a group of scientists, led by Gerard P. Kuiper. Photo of the Sun, which rises in the South Pacific Ocean, was made the expedition 35 astronauts on the International Space Station between 4 and 5 o'clock local time on 5 May 2013. ISS at the time was above the Earth a few hundred miles from Easter Island.

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